Saturday, September 13, 2008


First order of the day would be to avoide a cease and decist letter from the Twitter people. I read their terms and FAQs and stuff, and I'm comitted to follow them very closely, so i'd hate to upset them at this very early, embrionic stage. I just got the idea four hours ago. I need a disclaimer.

It's still in narrative form, but i'll convert it into a legal language soon.

The general idea is to allow for a social experiment: crowdsourcing sex. The users get their rush from twitter. 

No foul language or explicit words will be used, twitter is a respectable environment. 

It will pass most standards of morality among the neo-liberals and neo-cons alike. The users of TwitterPorn should choose to go and visit TwitterPorn in their own free will. We will only work within the exact confines of the Twitter rules and morality supervision: Twitter alone can tell me what I can or can not say.

The idea is to generate traffic elsewhere, but also without routing URLs – cause that is spamming. Beside, I think URL is obsolete with search engines and twitters, so there will be no URLs being passed around. I will chronicle the journey to get this company up and running through my blogs, facebook, YM, emails and with some of you, we will probably need to discuss real funding. I raised funds for internet startups before, so this will be fun. 

I’d like to see the faces of the VCs when I tell them what I do.  

This is a McLuhan test for Jefferson’s idea, with sex for the tabloid effect.

The company is called TwitterPorn. 

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